

15-07-2014 - Preliminary information on the study of the environmental impact of the World Orienteering Championships.

WTOC-WOC (World Orienteering Championship - World Trail Orienteering Championship ) will be remembered for his sustainability profile.

From the analysis provided by EcoCongress, partner of the event, it is clear that it has prevented the emission of over 287 tons of CO2, the same amount that a car emits about to travel 41 times around the World. Among the actions by the organizing committee of the event towards a more sustainable management of the championships, we cite the choice to offer in digital format some products related to the promotion and communication of the event, and to print the remainder of PEFC certified paper. Also remind you the provision of shuttle buses Euro 5 to allow the audience to move at different location of the event, coverage of live streaming all the races in order to ensure the vision of the competition in the world, the production of construction materials and infrastructure in local wood and PEFC certified which will be reusedand the selection of volunteers to staff coming from the various locations that have hosted the competitions of the WOC.

In the coming days will be analyzed all the data related to the environmental impact of the event (from energy consumption to waste products) to draw up a final assessment of this WOC 2014 management WOC, and to understand how we can improve even more the performance of sustainable major sporting events such as this.

The calculations were performed using the system for calculating the carbon footprint of EBI 2012, the specification for the organization of events with low impact developed by EcoCongress.

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